About Me

My Story & Philosophy

Photo: Teaching "Soil Health = Human Health" workshop to Earthaven visitors

I am dedicated to a life of service

Thanks for taking this step towards learning more about me and exploring partnering with me for your vibrant health. With over 20 years of clinical experience, my education and life skills bring a unique perspective to your healthcare needs!

At an early age I was introduced to the healing power of plants and reverence for nature by my Caribbean parents. While receiving an Honors Bachelor of Science in Biology/Pre-Medicine from Marist College in New York, I worked as a paramedic and volunteered in the emergency rooms of various hospitals. This experience led to me realizing that there was something missing in patient care – the consideration of the whole person.
In 2003, I earned my doctorate degree in Naturopathic Medicine from the leading center of natural health education, National University of Natural Medicine in Oregon. As a student, I pioneered and coordinated the first medical outreach project for the homeless and participated in medical outreach projects in Peru and Nicaragua with the nonprofit organization, Natural Doctors International. During my 9 years of clinical practice in California, I was among the leaders in the advancement of naturopathic medicine by holding the positions of Vice President and Legislative Chairperson of the California Naturopathic Doctors Association. I also served as a Naturopathic consultant for the San Diego Whole Foods Market in Hillcrest.

Photo: Teaching About Worm Casting to Earthaven Visitors

In 2010 I became ill and was diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease, which was a blessing that allowed me to take inventory of where my own health was out of balance. Spending time in nature while connecting with others during my volunteer work on a biodynamic farm was essential to my healing. I began to see this same pattern of disconnect contributing to the illness of many, if not all, of my patients and had a growing fire inside of me to radically change how I practiced medicine. I became tired of telling my patients how to be healthy and wanted to show them how instead. I sold my practice to the prestigious Bastyr University in San Diego, expanded my family by becoming a mother, and explored well established intentional communities in Brazil, Argentina, and the United States.

Photo: Giving Tour of My Home Garden at Earthaven Ecovillage

In 2016, I found my home at Earthaven Ecovillage in the Appalachian mountains of Western North Carolina amongst a plethora of nature’s medicines. Here, I am privileged to have gained many homesteading life skills while continuing my clinical practice and education.

My passions fuel my work

My passion for food as medicine fuels my efforts to sustainably grow and raise much of my family’s food, including a diversity of organic vegetables, herbal medicines, fruits, berries, laying hens, broiler chickens, turkeys, and even rainbow trout!

Another personal passion is for learning, which currently has me focused on studying the evolving science around the human microbiome and its relationship to soil. I am especially eager about offering experiential health retreats in my 5,000 sq. foot organic garden nestled in the heart of Earthaven, where the art of healing is supported and consciously woven through our connections to nature and community.

Photo: In My Community Garden at Earthaven Ecovillage

My Approach

Personally, I feel most vital when I am connecting to the messages from my body, giving and receiving support from my community and soaking in the beauty and wonder of the natural world around me. As a clinician, I believe in empowering my patients with knowledge to understand the power of our innate healing vital force and that being connected plays a vital role in our health: connection to self, to nature, and to community. I provide expert diagnostic skills and guidance while collaborating with you to find what works best for you. I often explore the emotional aspect to identify and conquer whatever challenges the healing process.

I have specialized knowledge in the areas of gastroenterology, infectious disease, neurology and autoimmune disorders. Therapeutic tools include botanical medicine, nutraceuticals, nutritional counseling, detoxification and Bach flower remedies to heal the physical & emotional body. Yoga and meditation are often encouraged as a growing body of scientific evidence reveals the healing potential of these time honored practices.

Naturopathic Medical Training

To practice naturopathic medicine in the United States a doctor must successfully:

⦁ Complete a 4 year college undergraduate degree including standard pre-medical course work.
⦁ Complete a 4 year nationally accredited naturopathic medical program.
⦁ Pass parts I and II of the North American Naturopathic Licensing Examination (NPLEX).
⦁ Receive a naturopathic doctor’s license from the Bureau of Naturopathic Medicine.
⦁ Meet requirements for continuing education bi-annually to renew license.

Tour My Community Garden at Earthaven Ecovillage