Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine Empowers you with knowledge to heal

…And just like your regular physician, you may see a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) when you need a check-up, have an illness, or a question about your health. As with all primary care doctors, a Naturopathic Doctor can provide physical exams, order lab and diagnostic tests and refer you to physician specialists when necessary.

ND’s are trained to assess the function of physiological processes, discover the root cause of imbalances and restore the communication between all systems. This may require focus on cellular processes or organ function at sites that seem far removed from your area of discomfort and at levels that may be unusual from a conventional point of view.

As your Naturopathic Doctor, I serve as an addition to your team of healthcare providers, offering expertise in the areas of human biochemistry and physiology and the effects of natural substances on these. My approach investigates underlying nutritional, lifestyle, environmental, genetic and psychosocial factors that contribute to your health and, like a medical detective, I seek the root cause behind the expression of illness.

How Naturopathic Doctors Excel in Early Detection & Optimal Health

See the video here to understand what distinguishes the Naturopathic medical model from the Conventional medical model.
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What Are You Getting In Your Medical Care?

Category Conventional Medical Model Naturopathic Medical Model
Average Length of Initial Office Visit 7-15 minutes 90-120 minutes
Approach to the Body Focus on an individual system of the body without consideration of its interactions with the whole Focus on the connection between individual systems and how they interact with the whole
Approach to Treatment Block the symptoms without addressing the cause Seek to identify underlying root causes
Interaction with You Disempowering reliance on medications Empowering understanding of the innate healing power of nature
Dietary Consideration Minimum to no emphasis on dietary impact on health Major emphasis on impact on health
Diagnostic Testing Basic analysis via lab tests, often with missing pieces In depth analysis using cutting edge and research based lab testing to discover your unique physiology
Detection and Diagnosis Late diagnosis caused by using extreme abnormal lab reference ranges Early detection using optimal lab reference ranges
Treatment Plan Generic treatment plan without consideration of your unique needs Individualized custom treatment plan
Category Conventional Medical Model Naturopathic Medical Model
Average Length of Initial Office Visit 7-15 minutes 90-120 minutes
Approach to the Body Focus on an individual system of the body without consideration of its interactions with the whole Focus on the connection between individual systems and how they interact with the whole
Approach to Treatment Block the symptoms without addressing the cause Seek to identify underlying root causes
Interaction with You Disempowering reliance on medications Empowering understanding of the innate healing power of nature
Dietary Consideration Minimum to no emphasis on dietary impact on health Major emphasis on impact on health
Diagnostic Testing Basic analysis via lab tests, often with missing pieces In depth analysis using cutting edge and research based lab testing to discover your unique physiology
Detection and Diagnosis Late diagnosis caused by using extreme abnormal lab reference ranges Early detection using optimal lab reference ranges
Treatment Plan Generic treatment plan without consideration of your unique needs Individualized custom treatment plan