Health Retreats

Radical Radiance Retreat
A Transformative Cleansing Experience
April 11 - 13, 2025
Earthaven Ecovillage
Dancing Shiva Monestary & Healing Center
Experience and embrace new healthy habits during this nature immersive, medically supervised group cleanse retreat in the off-grid community of Earthaven Ecovillage in the heart of the misty Appalachian mountains.
Join us to kick off the initial phase and learn together, the fundamentals of a whole body cleanse with options, tools and know how to continue at home for as long as it feels good.
Your hosts, Dr. Rudolph Ballentine, MD now Swami Ravi Rudra Bharati, author of Radical Healing and Dr. Monique Mazza, Naturopathic Doctor, will share their collective years of wisdom about the importance and know how of cleansing for optimal health. Blending together the wisdom of great traditional healing systems – especially Ayurveda, Naturopathy and Homeopathy, a new level of effectiveness becomes possible. The result is transformation. The result is Radical Radiance!
This program is designed to provide ease and support while experiencing the fundamental, 3 day initial phase of a full body cleanse. Together we will unwind from stress, nourish with fresh, medicinal foods and juices, and practice techniques to open the bodies many channels of elimination.
Reverse stress induced damage and find a new sense of pleasure in healthy habits while removing blockages that have been blunting your arousal for life!
Does Your Body Need a Cleanse?
Most likely since you live in today’s world where chemical toxins are everywhere! Get your toxin burden score here and discover the various sources of and symptoms related to toxic exposures in your life. A cleansing program is highly recommended for scores above 35.
Retreat Details

Swami Ravi Rudra Bharati (formerly Rudolph Ballentine, MD) is a pioneer of the holistic health movement and graduate of the Duke University School of Medicine. He served as the president of the Himalayan Institutes Center for Holistic Medicine for 12 years and as the director of its combined therapy department for 18 years, integrating approaches to treatment such as psychotherapy, homeopathy, ayurveda, yoga, meditation and applied kinesiology.
He is author of several books, including Radical Healing, Diet & Nutrition, Science of Breath, Transition to Vegetarianism, Yoga & Psychotherapy and Kali Rising.
Learning By Experience
- The initial 3 day phase of a whole body cleanse that can be continued at home for 7 days or longer
- Testing options to measure the level of toxins in your body
- Delicious rejuvenating recipes including: whole fruit & vegetable smoothies, herbal medicinal bon-bons, detox pestos and spring tonics from wild greens.
- Practices and techniques to support and enhance the many ways your body is designed to cleanse itself including dry skin brushing, pranayama breathing exercises, yoga asanas and sauna therapy with optional cold plunge
- Plant allies to support cleansing specific areas of the body
- Forest bathing and other serenity inducing techniques to release emotional stress
- Plans and guidance for continuing onto a longer cleanse at home
- Daily strategies to support gentle cleansing on a daily basis
During this weekend, medicine is provided in many forms, including:
- Freshly prepared, vibrant organic whole fruits, vegetables, herbal teas and spring water.
- Uniquely comprehensive wisdom and care from our team of medical professionals.
- A supportive group and natural setting while experiencing diet changes
- Unplugging from electrical smog while plugging into nature in our wi-fi and cellular free zone
- Connection with other health minded individuals fostering lasting relationships
- Redirecting your energy towards life giving practices
- Quieting to reach self awareness
- Empowerment with knowledge for self care
- A felt sense of fullness at the end of the day, both physically & emotionally

Daily Flow
10:00 am Arrival & Welcome
11:00 am Orientation
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Break
2:00 pm Wellness Classes
Dr. Rudolph Ballentine
- Demystifying the origin of chemical & profit driven medicine.
- How toxins interfere with our health.
- How to quickly decrease the levels of toxins in your body.
Dr. Monique Mazza
- How to test the level of toxins in your body.
- Fundamentals & herbal medicines for whole body cleansing including gut, skin, breath, hydration and rest.
6:00 pm Dinner
7:30 pm Group Exercise
- Fireside Burn Letter
9:00 pm Deep Rest
7:00 am Sunrise Yoga + Meditation
- Silence until breakfast blessing
8:15 am Breakfast
9:30 am Wellness Classes in the Kitchen
- Raw Cleansing Juices
- Plant Allies for Cleansing
- Medicinal Bon Bons
- Wild Greens Spring Tonics
- Detox Pesto
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Break
1:30 Make your handmade birch whisk
2:00 pm Small Group Therapy Exercises
- Finnish Sauna Ceremony with handmade birchwhisk, creek cold plunge & cleansing flower bath
- Silent nature walk
6:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Break
7:30 pm Group Exercise
- Jappa Meditation to cleanse the mind
9:00 pm Deep Rest
7:00 am Sunrise Yoga + Meditation
- Silence until breakfast blessing
8:15 am Breakfast
9:30 am Wellness Classes
- Pranayama – cleansing through breath
- Continuing your cleanse at home; 10-21 day program options.
- Enemas- the benefits of and recipes for at home cleanse.
12:00 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Group Experience
- Integrations of Lessons Learned
- Closing Circle
4:00 pm Departure
Cleansing Diet
Experience wellness and satiety while enjoying an anti-inflammatory, low allergen, high fiber, organic cleansing diet for the entire length of the program.
- Cleansing Seed Gel: an easily digestible blend of ground chia & flax seeds previously hydrated in spring water, drunk in divided doses throughout the morning.
- Power Blend Smoothie: whole fruit & berries, pomegranate or cherry juice, non-dairy yogurt, lecithin, olive oil, sprouted protein powder.
Lunch & Dinner: a large organic salad with a variety of vegetables and herbs including green lettuce, spinach, carrots, celery, tomato, cucumber, sprouts, scallions, parsley, sunflower & sesame seeds, endive, watercress, mustard greens, radish, jicama, bell peppers, artichokes, mushrooms.
We will AVOID gas producing cabbage, broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts and cauliflower.
Snacks: Fresh fruit + whole vegetable/fruit smoothies.
Beverages: Spring water, salt water and a variety of freshly harvested herbal teas.
Venue Details
The serene natural setting of the Dancing Shiva Monastery & Healing Center, located within Earthaven Ecovillage in Black Mountain, North Carolina, will be the host of our retreat. Earthaven’s woodlands of the ancient Appalachian mountains, with streams, vital forests, and a consciously-built yogasthan, will serve as our container, mentor, and classroom for our work
Learn more about Dancing Shiva Monastery & Healing Center’s facilities & accomodations.
View the video on the right for a beautiful aerial view of the Dancing Shiva Monastery grounds.
Cost of Program
What’s Included: Medical supervision & instruction, all meals including fresh, whole vegetable & fruit smoothies, seed fibers, smoothie supplements and class materials.
Lodging is available for an additional cost, and can be purchased below.
JOIN WITH A FRIEND & SAVE $50! Contact us for a promo code.
This program is for adults and mature teens with adult supervision.